Monday , April 29 2024


Understanding Advertising: NCERT 7 Class SST Civics Ch 7

7th Class NCERT Social Science Civics

Understanding Advertising: NCERT 7th CBSE Social Studies Civics Chapter 07 Question: What do you understand by the word brand? List two reasons why building brands is central to advertising? Answer: By ‘brand’ we mean that a particular product is marked with a name and logo which differentiate it from other products in …

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Role of the Government in Health: 7 Class CBSE SST Civics

7th Class NCERT Social Science Civics

Role of the Government in Health: NCERT 7th CBSE Social Studies Civics Chapter 02 Question: What do people expect from government in a democracy? Role of the Government in Health Answer: In a democracy people expect the government to work for their welfare. This is done through the provision of education, health, employment, …

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On Equality: NCERT 7th Class CBSE SST Civics Chapter 01

7th Class NCERT Social Science Civics

On Equality: NCERT 7th CBSE Social Studies Civics Chapter 01 Question: What are the key elements of a democracy? Answer: The key elements of a democratic government are people’s participation, the resolution of conflict and equality and justice. Equality is the main feature of democracy. It influences its functioning. Question: What …

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चुनौती हिमालय की 5th NCERT CBSE Hindi Rimjhim Ch 18

5th class NCERT Hindi Book Rimjhim

चुनौती हिमालय की 5th Class NCERT CBSE Hindi Book Rimjhim Chapter 18 प्रश्न: लद्दाख जम्मू-कश्मीर राज्य में है। नक्शे में ढूँढ़ो कि लद्दाख कहाँ है और तुम्हारा घर कहाँ है? अनुमान लगाओ कि तुम जहाँ रहते हो वहाँ से लद्दाख पहुँचने में कितने दिन लग सकते हैं और वहाँ किन-किन ज़रियों से …

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